Modern Implant Medicine

Denture treatment
A denture treatment is the best choice when dental filling is impossible and there is absence of one or several teeth.
Beautiful smile depends not only on dental health, but also on character of their interlocking with each other – bite or occlusion.
Maxillofacial area surgery
With the help of orthogenetic surgery, it is possible to correct congenital anomalies of the facial skeleton.
Oral Surgery
In Modern Implant Medicine different kinds of oral surgical procedures are performed with the use of local and general anesthetics.
Aesthetic cosmetology
Experienced specialists, cosmeticians of our cosmetology clinic in their work are guided exclusively by international standards of the centers of aesthetic medicine, directions and generally accepted standards.
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body.
ENT and Endoscopic treatment
The ENT service includes both diagnostics and treatment, and surgical treatment.
Cone Beam Diagnostics
A modern dental CT scanner of the latest generation GALILEOS is practiced in the clinic.
Endoscopic surgery
The surgical odontology and maxillofacial surgery are the areas where endoscopy plays an increasing role.

Dental Implantology
In a modern odontology and a prosthetic repair teeth implantation is the most perspective, relevant and demanding area. It is the technology of implantation of a titanic hinge in a bone tissue with the subsequent installation of a crown successfully practiced in MIM for about twenty years. We have got nearly twenty years’ experience in dental implantology. The major surgical services provided by the center are surgeries in complicated cases of atrophy of alveolar processes and dental implantation at flap surgeries (implant placement with iliac crest, shoulder and fibula bone flaps). Implantologic treatment algorithms have been developed for patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertensive disease. Auto and allogeneic transplants of Sandwich, Sinuslift, Transzygomatic, Transtuberal technique, nerve transposition of n.alveolaris inferior, implant placement for support of complex maxillofacial prostheses are also practiced. A single stage method of immediate prosthetics is also used. Ankylos C/X, XiVE and Astra Tech implant placement gives excellent functional and aesthetic results. In the medical Center, there are all conditions for conducting implantation under general anesthesia or I/V sedation.

Denture treatment
A denture treatment is the best choice when dental filling is impossible and there is absence of one or several teeth. The type of denture treatment is selected individually for each patient and depends on extent of destruction of tooth, references of the doctor and the patient’s wishes. Denture treatment is possible with removable and non-removable prostheses. For a proper selection of treatment methods, a complete mutual understanding between the patient and the doctor is extremely important.
“MIM” medical center offers a full range of services for dental prosthetics: removable, non-removable and micro prosthetics.
Installation of ceramic-metal crowns allows to restore chewing function and to give to teeth an original form in case of appreciable destruction. Ceramic-metal crowns consist of 2 layers: internal — metal and external — ceramic. The external layer imitates tooth enamel, therefore the result will be almost indistinguishable from natural.
Crowns made of zirconium dioxide are highly durable, do not cause allergic reactions and retain an aesthetic appearance up to 20 years. Frame structures made of zirconium dioxide are distinguished by transparency, so it becomes possible to achieve the most natural result.
All-ceramic crowns are made without the use of a metal frame. Aesthetic characteristics include gloss, texture, color, transparency, which completely repeat the characteristics of a natural tooth. Ceramic crowns have the long term of use, don’t change color under the influence of the painting nutritional supplements.
Prosthetics with the establishment of bridges are applicable when several adjacent teeth are lost. The construction represents crowns which are bridged with each other. Patient’s own teeth or dental implants serve as a support for the bridge.
Installation of veneers and lumineers refers to micro-prosthetics. For the installation of veneers insignificant preparing of enamel is required so the veneers do not increase the teeth and look as natural as possible. Veneers have a thickness that does not exceed 0.3 mm, and their gluing does not require teeth grinding.
Fastening is made on the front surface of the teeth. For production of veneers are used materials that repeat the appearance and properties of tooth enamel.
Veneers serve for the following purposes:
- elimination of injuries of teeth such as chips, cracks, age grinding;
- giving to teeth desirable form and color;
- hiding of the old darkened seals;
- hiding of a fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia.
Removable prosthetic repair
Installation of removable prostheses — the ideal decision at partial or full loss of teeth by the patient when installation of implants is impossible. Removable prosthetic is a carcass that is placed in the oral cavity. It includes artificial gums, teeth and supporting elements. If necessary, the carcass can be easily removed.

Beautiful smile depends not only on dental health, but also on character of their interlocking with each other – bite or occlusion. The main reasons for malocclusion among adults and children are heredity, problems of fetal development, addictions, a disadvantage of mineral substances, carious processes. Also in case of adults problems with bite occur after teeth extraction and overdue restoration. If the malocclusion reasons are curvature or a dull growth of the teeth, between them accumulates a plaque, stones are formed, causing development of inflammatory process (paradontal disease). The pressure on separate teeth in case of malocclusion is various which cause attrition and injury of that teeth. Improper bite increases the load on the temporo-mandibular joint. At the same time, there is no relaxation of the jaw muscles, which causes frequent headaches. Highly qualified specialists of clinic of Modern Implant Medicine will help to cope with the aesthetic and physiological problems caused by malocclusion. The correctness of the occlusion is determined by the orthodontist. The problem can be recognized independently by some features:
- the presence of the distance between the teeth when they are closed,
- the vertical line between the incisors of both jaws does not coincide,
- the upper teeth overlap more or less than 1/3 by the upper teeth,
- while chewing some teeth of both jaws do not reach each other.
In case of noticing at least one of the above signs, you need to contact the orthodontist. Depending on the nature of the available disturbances the doctor selects a treatment method. In some cases, when the proportions of the jaws are too broken or a deep distal bite is observed, orthognathic surgery may be recommended. More often the bite is corrected by systems of long wearing or removable systems. The medical center uses the products of ORMCO, DENTAURUM and AMERICAN ORTHODONTICS.

The possibilities of modern dentistry, adopted by our Medical Center, allow us to solve the most difficult problems of dental lesions in order to avoid tooth extraction. In most cases, patients seek dental treatment on rather neglected stages of caries or when severe pain occurs, that’s why, dental treatment in our clinic, is always performed by us using the most effective painkillers, especially in cases of penetration into the root canals. Due to the variety of filling materials, it becomes possible to perform qualified dental treatment with complete restoration of their original form and basic functions of the tooth. Such therapeutic treatment includes the restoration of tooth at a stage where there is still no need in crowns installation, bridges or implants. Professional oral hygiene is an important and integral part of any dental treatment, as well as the part of teeth and gums care in general. Dentists recommend to carry out professional hygiene at least 2 times a year. The procedure is the removal of plaque, which accumulates on the teeth due to many factors. Unsatisfactory daily hygiene, strong tea, coffee, smoking lead to the formation of plaque and tartar. If you do not pay proper attention to hygiene, bacteria can cause many dental diseases. Periodontists and hygienists of our Center conduct professional hygiene in medical and preventive purposes using certified European methods. A snow-white smile evokes the sympathy of others, attracts attention and improves the quality of life in general. Initially, teeth do not have a perfect white color. If they are healthy, then it will have rather yellowish or grayish shade. Moreover, teeth are inclined to darkening because of the use of various nutrition, the painted drinks and a nicotine. Тhe esthetic odontology hurries to the aid of the shining smile. As the main ones there are home and office (professional) chemical bleaching. The most common method is chemical teeth whitening at home. It is conducted under the supervision of a doctor both at the home and in the medical center.

Maxillofacial area surgery
Anomalies of the occlusion are changes in the shape of the dental arch and the relative position of the dentition, in which one or more of the proper bite criteria is missing. The bite anomalies lead to aesthetic, psychological and medical problems. Due to improper closing of the teeth, chewing and swallowing of food is impaired. The risk of developing the pathology of the digestive system increases. Many patients experience difficulties with an articulation (pronunciation of the speech). In case of occlusion anomalies dysfunction of a temporal and mandibular joint with a pain syndrome and frequent headaches are typical. Correction of bite anomalies is performed with the help of orthogenetic surgery and conservative orthodontics methods, as well as their alternation or combination. The problems solved by orthogenetic surgery are correction of the bite pathology, restoration of normal occlusion of the dentition, elimination of functional disorders and improvement of aesthetic parameters of the face. With the help of orthogenetic surgery, it is possible to correct congenital anomalies of the facial skeleton, developmental disorders that were formed in childhood, posttraumatic deformities of the upper and lower jaw, as well as defects in the bones of the facial skeleton after reconstructive operations. One of the main tasks of orthogenetic surgery is the reconstruction of the natural aesthetics of the face. During the operation, the surgeon corrects asymmetries and deformities, improves the proportions of the facial skeleton. Changes in appearance have a positive effect on the psychological state, self-esteem and the person’s attitude to life. All functional disorders are also eliminated. Restoring proper occlusion of teeth improves diction, normalizes chewing and swallowing of food, prevents the development of dental pathology and diseases of the digestive system.

Oral Surgery
In Modern Implant Medicine different kinds of oral surgical procedures are performed with the use of local and general anesthetics (operations for diagnostic purposes, impacted tooth extraction, cystectomy reconstructive surgeries of bone tissue with application of osteoplastic materials - PRF(fibrin enriched with thrombocytes). PRF is an auto matrix obtained from the concentrate of the patient’s blood thrombocytes. It is simplified procedure of obtaining fibrin membrane without losing its potential to stimulate bone and soft tissue growth.

Plastic surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Plastic surgery is the most appropriate solution in cases of age-related changes, congenital deformities and injuries of the maxillofacial area.
RhinoplastyRhinoplasty is one of the most common and at the same time difficult areas of facial plastic surgery. Operation allows to improve an aesthetics of a nose and to solve a number of questions of medical character which concern the patient and exert negative impact on his physical and psycho-emotional state. In modern society a rhinoplasty mainly is referred to the solution of aesthetic character problems. The most common problems are individual features of the nose structure. Surgery can be also recommended on medical indications. The most widespread is difficulty of nasal respiration owing to a curvature of a nasal septum. Regardless of etymology, complications associated with this condition can affect the general well-being of a person, cause more serious diseases, and cause chronic inflammatory processes. The bent septum from the birth affects formation of a cartilaginous and bone tissue, deforming a nose. The success of the operation depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the patience of the patient. The best rhinoplasty is the result of mutual efforts. It is the art of obtaining the desired shape of the nose while preserving or restoring its natural functions.
BlepharoplastyCorrection of the skin around the eyes due to age-related changes and pathology is possible through aesthetic surgery. Blepharoplasty is the plastic surgery allowing to give expressiveness to eyes, to create a beautiful section of eyes and also to solve age problems: to remove excesses of a skin and "bags" in the upper and lower eyelids. In recent years, has increased the number of operations which goal is not so much to rejuvenate, but to improve the aesthetics of the orbital zone. They include change of provision of cords of upper eyelids, and Europeanization of eyes, modelling of a form of a palpebral fissure, change of height of a lateral angle of an eye. The operation gives person an open view, the face becomes fresh and young, and the self -confident, beautiful and happy.
GenioplastyThe shape of the chin has a great influence on the overall perception of the face and neck area. Genioplasty is an operation of facial plastic surgery aimed at eliminating congenital or acquired defects in the chin area, changing the size and improving the shape of the chin. The main purpose of which is to create harmonious proportions between the chin and other parts of the facial skeleton. A series of patients have more expressed defect of chin area with signs of asymmetry and deformation. Genioplasty can be also performed in case the absence of obvious deformities and malformations of the development of the lower jaw bone. In this case, the indication for genioplasty is patient’s dissatisfaction with the appearance. During the operation, the surgeon recreates the anatomically correct outlines of the chin, taking into account the individual features of the facial skeleton. The main goal of the operation is not simply to eliminate deformities and cosmetic defects, but to recreate harmony between the face and the chin area.
Combined surgery
In certain cases a separate surgery can not fully provide the desired aesthetic result. In addition, at insignificant deformations of different parts of the face, elimination of one of them can lead to a larger expression of other deformations. In such cases, our specialists perform combined surgeries. The most common applied example of the combined surgery is the genio-rhinoplasty which allows to eliminate deformations f the middle and lower third of the face, and recreate a harmonious profile of the person. Besides, in our clinic are performed combined surgeries such as: otoblefaroplasty, otorinoplasty, etc.
OtoplastyOtoplasty — the section of reconstructive and aesthetic medicine. The otoplasty unites to the plastic surgeries referred on correction of a form of an ear, its size and position, eliminating congenital and acquired defects. Otoplasty is performed at any age; the main indication for surgery is a person's desire to correct an external cosmetic defect that leads to the formation of internal complexes and causes psychological discomfort. From the standpoint of indications for the operation there are aesthetic and reconstructive plastic of the ears. Aesthetic is used to correct cosmetic deficiencies that cause physical or psychological discomfort. Reconstructive otoplasty combines operations aimed at the full or partial reconstruction of the auricle after injuries and illnesses.
Contour plasticContour plastic allows restoring posttraumatic defects of the facial skeleton, as well as adjusting facial features with the help of alloplastic materials. The implant of the zygomatic bone (Medpor Surgical Implant) helps to have high and impressive cheekbones and more symmetric facial parameters. The increase in the cheekbones elevates the cheeks, greatly improving the contour of the lower third of the face, especially when there are age-related changes. As a rule, correction of the cheek area is carried out to eliminate congenital and post-traumatic deformities.

ENT and Endoscopic treatment
The ENT service in MIM includes as diagnostics and treatment of patients in the ambulatory conditions, and surgical treatment of the majority of ENT pathologies in stationary conditions. Outpatient appointment is conducted in ENT-office, equipped with modern advanced medical equipment that is necessary in proving of qualified ENT-care, including proper diagnostic and effective treatment of diseases of ENT organs.
The basis of the cabinet is the ENT-combine, which has all the advanced capabilities. ENT-combine is equipped with sources of cold light for endoscopes, sprayers for dosage forms, disinfectant containers, the high-performance vacuum device. Endoscopic examination of ENT organs is made with Karl Storz (Germany) video endoscopes in video mode, if necessary, an additional endoscopic biopsy can be made. All of the above video endoscopic examinations and manipulations are archived on discs stored in databases and the interested frames are printed and provided to patients.
Audiologic examination of patients is carried out with the help of tympanometer, allowing to provide audiometry air and bone conduction. The device of ENT-surgical ultrasonic “LORA-DON” is intended for ultrasonic disintegration (destruction) of pathologically changed tissues of ENT organs (rhinitis, tonsillitis). For the first time in Armenia in MIM Center video stroboscopy is carried out, which is an absolutely indispensable method for examining the vocal apparatus, which allows detecting both organic and functional lesions of the larynx.
For physiotherapeutic restoration of voice disorders in the MIM, the method of myostimulation of the muscles of the speech apparatus is used with the help of the VocaStim therapeutic complex.

Cone Beam Diagnostics
A modern dental CT scanner of the latest generation GALILEOS Comfort BRAND- Sirona is practiced in the clinic. The tomography captures 500 different X-ray images in 14 seconds of scanning. Due to the impulse beam exposure time is only 3-6 seconds, as a result of which radiation dosage is the lowest, significantly lower as compared to the somatic (body) tomography.

Endoscopic surgery
The “MIM” clinic is equipped with the modern endoscopic equipment of the well-known KARL STORZ company. The surgical odontology and maxillofacial surgery are the areas where endoscopy plays an increasing role. The tools developed by KARL STORZ already allow us to perform a number of minimally invasive endoscopic operations, such as: endoscopic treatment of salivary duct disease arthroscopy and operations of the temporomandibular joint endoscopically assisted operations of maxillofacial area endoscopic surgery of paranasal sinuses. Pathology of a temporal and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) holds a specific place among diseases of maxillofacial area. Despite prevalence, nowadays those diseases represent one of the most difficult and unstudied sections of pathology of the person. The arthroscopy of a TMJ allows to combine at the same time diagnostics and treatment of diseases and taking into account the found changes in a joint to choose optimum tactics of further treatment. By means of an arthroscopy of a joint the nature of pathology is specified, the biopsy and various intra joint manipulations can be made. Methods of arthroscopic treatment of diseases developed in the medical center MIM, with experts from San Carlos hospital (Madrid, Spain) are a new word in treatment of this pathology.
Endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy
Thanks to opportunities of modern endoscopic surgery, the maxillary sinusotomy which already quite widely entered world practice is successfully used at any options of a sinusitis. Now in the medical center MIM all methods of sanation of a maxillary sinus are applied. The advantages of endoscopic maxillary sinus surgery are minimal injuries and quick rehabilitation.

MIM clinic guarantees a minimum of painful feelings during treatment, but many people still experience strong nervousness and a fear of visiting the dentist. For especially sensitive patients we offer intravenous anesthesia (sedation). The procedure is safe and is held under constant control of the anesthesiologist. You just fall asleep and, while the doctors work, you rest. Drug is selected individually depending on features of an organism and types of treatment. The sedation is irreplaceable if:
- you have a low pain threshold or tolerance to local anesthesia
- you have to endure a lengthy procedure (up to 3 hours).
Don’t be afraid of anything, just trust professionals!